Two   sides to a story but they never tell my side. Never been the kinda guy to stay inside the guidelines. I know I'm the bad guy, I don't gotta ask why. If you try step to me, it'll be the last time. I got dirt on my name, six feet in the ground. I got people in my past try bringin' me down, and I don't wanna be found.Grew up in the shadow but I know they watchin' me now.


Jack. 25+ . he/him . CST

rule 001.

zero-tolerance policy for bigotry, transphobia, homophobia, and racism.

rule 002.

I am 21+ and am most comfortable if my writing partners are as well. I am open to all types of RP, but I am most interested in dark/mature themes. Erotica will never happen in-game, but I am fine discussing it in discord.

rule 003.

Your characters are welcome to harm Caliban, but not permanently maim or kill them. The results will most certainly get you an interaction with their boss. (All I ask is that you give me a heads up or ask!)

rule 004.

In regards to romantic interest. I am multiship. I have and will have more than one ship that are their own alternate universe. I am very selective. Caliban is also poly and can have multiple partners. That being said, I welcome any friendship/rivalry/enemy/situation ship, etc. with Caliban! They are quite friendly, but that does not mean they trust easily.

rule 005.

I write Caliban's accent phonetically (Australian). If it is too difficult to understand, please shoot me a tell and I will temporarily drop it. That being said, I will always default to writing the accent. Please do not be rude about requesting me to pause it.

rule 006.

one-shots at venues are ok, but for anything more substantial, I much prefer discord rp.


Masked Fool; Buries your Dead.

I wish to mourn the departed. Weeping like rain, to swell the crossing stream. As the tide arrives, leading you back home.

Core Details

  •   name    Kaine Caliban.

  •   alias    n/a.

  •   age    28.

  •   pronouns    they/them.

  •   species    miqo'te; keeper.

  •   birthdate    02/28.

  •  sexuality   polyamourous.

  •   origin    Meracydia.

  •   location    Ishgard.

  •   mbti    isfj.

  •   alignment    Chaotic.


Even if the future you forge may not even belong to you?

It may not belong to me, but it definitely belongs to someone.

event 001 Born in a Keeper Clan deep in one of the forests of Meracydia. A place known to be haunted by the locals, and a place of urban legend to far-faring travelers. Most the entered the forest seemed to never return.. or if they did, their aether and mind malformed and distorted. A place full of secrets that Caliban full intends to keep to themselves. Any mention of their past results in being brushed off or ignored, and displaying that it is a source of discomfort for them. At best, they will simply state that they don't remember much about it.event 002 Sometime after leaving the forest, Caliban was picked up by pirates. Most notably a hrothgar woman named Kaine. They learned most of their survival skills from this time in their life. Of course, it was far from ideal living. After troubled tides rose to their peak, Caliban found themselves at the precipice of another crossroads drenched in blood. In Kaine's parting words to Caliban, 'What is lost can be found again.'event 003 Caliban takes up the life of a Pirate Captain, following in their former captain's footsteps. It is short-lived, as after raiding a Garlean boat (and rescuing kidnapped cargo), they take the fall for their crew and are arrested & jailed. They are then shortly bailed out by one Vivian Hallows, becoming his second-in-command of the Graveyard Shift.


  •  height    5'-something.

  •  eyes    coral pink (glowing).

  •  hair    black w/ auburn.

  •  scars    yes.

  •  accent    Australian.

  •  voiceclaim    Camden Sutkowski.

  •  gear    Leather Jacket.

  •  gear    Lots of jewelry.

  •  weapon    Pistols.

  •  weapon    Sniper.

  •  weapon    Knives.

  •  weapon    Grappling hook.

  •  accessories    glasses.

  •  accessories    Scarf.

  •  accessories    Masks.

  •  accessories    Special Coin.

A bit scrungly. Long hair often kept tied up by a red ribbon. Large ears, and a very fluffy, big tail. Pointy Shark-like teeth.


  •   loyal  

  •   patience  

  •   friendly  

  •   brave  

  •   soft spoken  

  •   secretive  

  •   avoidant  

  •   reckless  

  •   morbid  

  •   insecure  

  •   "blind"  

  •   anxious  

  •   awkward  

  •   remorseless  

  •   self-destructive  

  • Their scarf covers up a deep laceration across the base of their neck. They are very sensitive about this and will not let people touch their scarf without a fight.

  • Similarly, Caliban will become irritable when people attempt to remove or tamper with their glasses, as it is the only thing that allows them to see without being outright blinded by the aether of others.

  • Gets frequent migraines due to the strength of their aethersight. They cannot turn their Aethersight off. It is always 'functioning'.

  • Does not introduce themselves with the name Kaine. Only a few people know their 'full' name, and even less know their real name.

  • It's pronounced kai-nay, not kain.

  • Experiences PTSD, Anxiety, Depersonalization, Imposter Syndrome, and so forth.

  • Extroverted Introvert. Shuts down after extended socalizing, but very friendly and chatty when around.

  • Decently skilled weaver and tends to mend their own clothes or clothes of their friends.

  • Prefers to be referred by they/them as they are nonbinary, but will still respond to he/him and is relatively fine with its use.

  • Caliban is intersex. What this means is that it's no one's business what they've got going on.

  •   Strength    ♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱

  •   intellect    ♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱

  •   endurance    ♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱

  •   charisma    ♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱

  •   luck    ♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱

  •   dexterity    ♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱

  •   perception    ♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱

  •   athletics    ♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱

  •   stability    ♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱

  •   intimidation    ♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱

  •   medicine    ♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱

  •   stealth    ♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱♱

The sea & sailing. good rum. sunflowers. stormy weather. Guns. Target practice.
People messing with their glasses or scarf. The Shroud. Sleeping. Their aethersight.

Traits & Skills

Threads of Life

Aether, to them, is much like a fingerprint. It is an identifier to each and every person they meet; all with its respective little nicks and charms, and elements that might be tied to it. The stronger the aether or element, the brighter the light. For people with more dark-aspected aether, the light is more like a shadow that obscures the person into a silhouette.

Strong Aethersight

Caliban's aethersight is quite strong. Enough so that they require glasses to avoid blinding themselves while around the company of other, living things. In their eyes, aether appears as a bright light (or shadow) that is wrapped in a web of threads that stretch for an immeasurable amount of distance and time. These threads allow them to be an excellent tracker, as Caliban can follow these lines and where they lead to the person or to something related to them.

Face Blindness

Caliban cannot see faces clearly or detailed features of the people they meet. Their perception of the world is oft obscured by the blinding (or shadowing) aether and its threads. For all intents & puproses, Caliban can be considered mostly blind. There is, to this day, only one person that they have been able to see the face of.

Touched by the Lifestream

Due to their sight's strength and how it functions, Caliban is also able to see the residual aether of the departed. In other words, they can see spirits and often be able to communicate with or hear those remaining thoughts and feelings.

Healing Price

An excellent healer. Caliban can heal any wound/ailment that someone suffers from (within reason & w/ permission), but will then be gifted said injury/ailment they fixed & will have to heal through that themselves naturally.They cannot heal themselves with their own abilities.

Graveyard Shift


  Best Friend.

Leader of the Graveyard Shift. Voidsent. The only one face Caliban has ever seen.

The Songstress


A friend made before joining the Graveyard Shift. A formidable woman who helped them with the do and donts of their healing.

Faerie Light


A fae dragon and skilled alchemist that Graveyard Shift does bodyguard duty for. A warm heart and a good friend.

Soldier of Bozja

  Father Figure.

The Old Man. Folke treats the crew as if they were his children.. and always has some good words of advice to give at any time.

Mysterious Mage


Caliban doesn't know a lot about Mags, but they are always a well of compassion when they seek advice or thoughts.

  Baudouin  ㅤfriend/crewmateAlways has a wisdom to spare.
  ㅤDominique  ㅤfriend/crewmateA little scary, tough as nails.
  Radha  ㅤfriend/crewmateEccentric Alchemist. Upbeat.


The Navigator


A young woman that hails from the same keeper clan as them. An ally they are nervous to be close to.

Anemoi Captain


The current leader of the Anemoi crew. Despite Vide's constant back & forth with their own Captain, Caliban finds them charming.

Sharp Shooter

  Drinking Buddy.

A great drinking buddy to have after a day full of ridiculous nonsense that seems to be increasing in frequency since the crews' merging.

  Olnie  ㅤemployerWould sell them for a cornchip.
  Gael  Doctor?TBA
  Scout  Small but LoudTBA


Lone Wolf

  It's Complicated.

Would punch this guy in the face.


  His Parasite.

An entity that has been attached to the Captain for as long as they can remember. A sense of unease holds them when she is around.



A friend they met through Parisa, but always find very kind and endearing. They have been hit by her ladle.

  ㅤValoran  ㅤallyCharming adventurer. Hero-type.
  Orianna  AllySecret Keeper. Voidsent.
  Ayna  Parisa's SisterEmotional timebomb. Means well.
  Nimue  Fae FolkWould buy them with a cornchip.


Divine Readings.

  • Requirements: none.

Caliban can offer divine card readings. This is mostly for fun, and they often advise not to take their words too seriously... but there is certainly some merit to the things they can read from those cards and the aether of those who ask for a reading.Folks are welcome to just ask them outright or through tells for a 1-3 card reading if you happen to catch them out in the wild.

Comfortable Aether.

  • Requirements: none.

For mostly unknown reasons, standing close enough to Caliban may result in a feeling of warmth and comfort. Remain there long enough, and one might feel somewhat rejuvenated.In contrast to how it feels, their aether appears like a galaxy & ripples like water. There is certainly something otherworldly and unsettling about seeing their aether.

Farewell to the Departed.

  • Requirements: none

Having been doing burial rites since a young age, Caliban is a somewhat qualified mortician to deal with sending off spirits, giving prayers, or dealing with bodies that someone just wants to get rid of (for whatever your reasons; they are not going to ask).Of course, messing with a corpse comes with a price-tag.

Hello Goodbye.

  • Requirements: none

In tandem, Caliban has the ability to see, hear, and communicate with both lingering spirits and those floating within the lifestream.If someone were in need of contacting the dead (a loved one, a rival, or to solve a personal mystery), Caliban may be able to be convinced to help out...

Former Seafarer.

  • Requirements: history with meracydia

If anyone has ties to the ports or seafairing pirates on the southern seas close to Meracydia, there is a possibility to recognize Caliban as a former crew of one of these ships (or even as a former Captain). Their reputation of that time was a much darker one.Kaine is a name that may be familiar to those who used to sail those seas of a Hrothgar woman.

Occult Dealings

  • Requirements: knowledge/interest in the occult.

Born into the occult, Caliban is very much an unwilling library of things in a similar nature. If someone is interested in such things, Caliban probably knows about it or is aware of it at the very least.Whether it be about spirits, voidsent, ashkin, rituals that should-not-be-messed with, Caliban probably can provide thoughts about it.

For Hire.

  • Requirements: none

Part of a mercenary group known as the Graveyard Shift. They can be hired for a variety of jobs: treasure/bounty hunting, missing persons/packages, etc. Or perhaps dealing with the occult.Large scale jobs would more than likely involve their Captain and a few other members of the crew.


  • Requirements: none

Do you like sunflowers? If you spot Caliban in the wild, ask for one! They will gladly give one away.( Color is randomized, unless specified )

Where can they be found?

  • Requirements: none.

Queen's Claw: Co-Owner.
Trionfi: Diviner/Bartender.
The New Morgue: Announcer.
Hydra's Whip: Announcer.